Workshop on Lefschetz Pencils and Low dimensional Topology

A workshop on “Lefschetz Pencils and Low dimensional Topology” will be held from May 31 (Fri) to June 2 (Sun) at the department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University.

The workshop is organized by prof. Toru Ohmoto (Dept. Mathematics/ GSB, Hokkaido University) and Dr. Kenta Hayano (Keio University).

To find out more details, please click on the links below;

Workshop on Lefschetz Pencils and Low dimensional Topology

Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University

This workshop is supported by:

・GI-CoRE GSB, Hokkaido University
・JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research Grant Number JP18K18714
・JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) Grant Number JP17K14194