Notice of the Website Relocation
Since its establishment in April 2015, the Global Station for Food, Land and Water Resources (GSF) of the Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education (GI-CoRE) has operated as an organization under the direct control of the President.
As of April 1st, 2020, the GS project has transitioned into Global Center for Food, Land and Water Resources, Research Faculty of Agriculture.
In accordance with this change, our homepage has changed.
・(old) https://gi-core.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/gsf
・(new) https://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/gcf/
Please update your records and bookmarks to the new URL.
We proudly announce that the Global Center for Food, Land and Water Resources, Research Faculty of Agriculture, has been certified as a “GI-CoRE Cooperating Hub” by the President to further promote and develop international collaborative research and education in cooperation with GI-CoRE. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.
GSF, Our Global Station
To tackle this crucial issue, Hokkaido University’s Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education (GI-CoRE) opened a Global Station for Food, Land and Water Resources, where over 20 expert researchers from Japan and over 15 from overseas are engaged in cutting-edge collaborative research. They are researching the latest topics in international collaborative studies in numerous specialist fields including agriculture, fisheries, engineering, health science, anthropology, environmental science, economics and education, to solve problems concerning food, water and land resources.