外部評価報告書 Final Evaluation Reports

外部評価報告書 Final Evaluation Reports


GI-CoRE is pleased to announce that the Final Evaluation Reports of GS for Quantum Medical Science and Engineering/Zoonosis Control/Food, Land and Water Resources/Soft Matter/Big Data and Cybersecurity/Arctic Research have been published after having the Final Evaluation in each GS’s last year of implementation period.


量子医理工学GS/GS for Quantum Medical Science and Engineering

人獣共通感染症GS/GS for Zoonosis Control

食水土資源GS/GS for Food, Land and Water Resources


ソフトマターGS/ GS for Soft Matter

ビッグデータ・サイバーセキュリティGS/ GS for Big Data and Cybersecurity

北極域研究GS/ GS for Arctic Research