GSZ 市民公開講座 / GSZ Open Seminar



日にち: 2017年7月8日(土)

時 間: 14:00-16:00

会 場: ホテルマイステイズ 札幌アスペン  3階アスペンB


言 語: 英語(*日本語のスライド有り)

参 加: 無料,事前登録要



TEL: 011-706-9555

This open seminar organized by Global Station for Zoonosis Control, GI-CoRE will be held on Saturday 8 July 2017.
Zoonoses are transmissible diseases whose causative agents infect both humans and animals. Two-thirds of emerging and re-emerging diseases are said to be zoonoses. Strategies for zoonosis control will be explained with the latest research results from three different aspects: vaccine development, monitoring and genomics with three invited experts. We welcome your attendance and to learn about zoonoses. You can download the flier from here.


Date: Saturday 8 July 2017

Time: 14:00-16:00

Venue: Aspen B on the 3rd floor, HOTEL MYSTAYS Sapporo Aspen

  (N8 W4, Kita-ku, Sapporo)

Language: English (*with Japanese PPT for reference)

Admission: Free. Pre-registration is required.

For any enquiries, please contact:

GI-CoRE Global Station for Zoonosis Control

TEL: +81-11-706-9555