第1回GI-CoREオープンフォーラム / GI-CoRE Open Forum #1

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先ず、上田一郎理事から開会挨拶、佐藤課長補佐から来賓のご挨拶を頂いた後、改めて上田理事からGI-CoREの概要について説明がありました。続いて、既に活動が始まっている人獣共通感染症量子医理工学の2つのGlobal Station (GS)について、それぞれ喜田宏特任教授、白土博樹教授から説明がありました。また、量子医理工学GSで研究活動に従事しているYi Cui(イー・ツィ)博士研究員が、米国スタンフォード大学との共同研究の様子を紹介しました。




At 12-14.00 on Friday 3 July 2015, the very first GI-CoRE (Global Inst. for Collab. Research and Education) Open Forum was held successfully at Open Hall in School of Engg., HU.

Although the time setting was weird weekday afternoon, it welcomed around 160 audiences from outside/inside the university, including 4 honoured guests from MEXT Min. of Edu., Culture, Sports, Sci. and Tech., Japan: Deputy Dir. Mr Hiroaki SATO and Support Sec. 1 Unit Chief Mr Satoshi HAYASHIDA at National Univ. Corp. Support Div., and Dir. Mr Takayuki ASO and Specialist Ms Azusa ISONO at Advanced Med. and Radiological Sci. Div., Research Promotion Bureau. The event offered them an opportunity to learn about GI-CoRE and the actual on-going research and educational activities there.

Started with the opening address by Vice President Ichiro UYEDA, the forum thankfully received a congratulatory address from Deputy Dir. Mr Sato, and the brief introduction about GI-CoRE from the Vice President again. The detailed explanation of 2 Global Stations (GS) for Zoonosis Control and Quantum Med. Sci. and Engg. followed them. Specially-appointed Prof Hiroshi KIDA and Prof Hiroki SHIRATO talked about these 2 vibrant global stations, and Dr Yi CUI a postdoc. researcher working at GS for Quantum Med. Sci. and Engg. added information on the collaborative research with Stanford Univ., USA.

From the audiences, there were several questions both in perspective and on research topic: why the invitation of oversea research units could lead the university-level consortium, and whether or not tumour-tracking radiation therapy could be applied for part(s) with much movement using gold marker.

The forum within 2 hours was concluded by Vice President Kasuzori YASUDA with his acknowledgement that the establishment of GI-CoRE had already started to give the univ. direct impact, and his expectation for further positive impact.